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Boudoir & Glamour
Boudoir is what you make of it.
Do you need a self confidence boost? Did you achieve a goal and want to award yourself? Do you just want amazing photos of yourself all dolled up?
Are you looking for the perfect gift for your guy no one else can give him?
If you answered yes to any of these then lets chat.
A boudoir session with me is always light hearted and fun. We keep everything below PG-13. You can have your hair and makeup done professionally with the Bombshell package or come to your session ready. You will leave with a smile and end up with a beautiful album in the end.

Duncan, OK Boudoir and Glamour Photographer
Contact me for Mileage rates for areas outside of comanche county
Outfits & Payment plans available
$275 + tax
30 Mins of Shooting Time
One Outfit
6x6 Album with 10 Images
$375 + tax
One Hour of Shooting Time
3 Outfits
6x6 Album With 20 Images
$525 + tax
Two Hours of Shooting Time
Professional Hair and Makeup Included
6x6 Album with 30 Images
USB of 30 Digital Images
Boudoir Retainer
Due at time of Booking
Balance Due at Session
Goes Toward the Package of Your Choice
Non Refundable
Can be rescheduled once for free
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